My Story

Over the many years of my life I have been blessed with good health, rarely having to visit a doctor except for the odd checkup. Then about 4 years ago everything went south for me I awoke one morning unable to control the left side of my face so off to the doctor I go. Apparently I had Bell’s palsy, the doctor assured me I would recover and be fine but I did have high blood pressure and needed ongoing medication for that or risk a stroke….. Needless to say it didn't top the list of the best days in my life. As time wore on the Bell’s palsy gradually improved and the medication for my blood pressure seemed to have that under control but every morning I’d wake up feeling great, take my medication and 30 minutes later feel like total crap. My next blood test and doctors visit left me devastated, everything was suddenly going wrong, my BPH reading was suddenly high and the doctor was doing her best to send me to a cancer specialist, apparently I had diabetes as well as being deficient in several vitamins and high in others. Seemed like my whole body was in a state of total collapse, that took a little time to come to terms with all that I can assure you. After a few days of reflecting on that news I decided to fight back, seems my health took a sudden downturn once I started taking regular medication for blood pressure.

All my life I have known and seen the results and near miracles that natural herbs and remedies have produced and I spoke with my son who is a mad keen gardener, sometimes vegetarian, and grower of medicinal herbs. He got me started on Turmeric and Moringa as a supplement.

It was obvious I had two choices lie down and die or fight back, I chose the latter, I realized all my problems started with the blood pressure medications long term side effects. So I started my journey to lose weight and improve my fitness to combat the diabetes and to figure out the best way to get my blood pressure back under control. Many, many hours of research just seemed to reinforce much of what I had known all my life, I had just never tried to put it all together till now.

Eight months later my blood pressure in now normal without medication, lost some weight and feeling really great once again. So many friends made positive remarks on my journey and I had started to supply friends with various herbs and supplements that my son was growing but quickly outgrew his limited supply and had to seek additional suppliers to supplement what he could supply.

So in May 2024 I opened my Greybear ecommerce site to supply other people with herbs, spices and supplements that I know have worked for me to other people out there that want to improve their health and lives. No two people are the same and what works for me may not work for you but you at least you owe it to yourself  to try and find your answers,

A common statement found in so many writings is that your body can heal itself given the right help and a little time. Please don’t think that most herbal remedies will heal what avails you in a couple of days, it has probably taken you decades of abuse to get your body where it is today so it may take some number of weeks for you to notice any improvements. Unlike modern medicines that mostly just masks the suffering, natural remedies tend to restore your health and not just mask the symptoms.

Remember Greybear is  Australian owned and Operated and we use Australian grown herbs whenever possible.